Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Brick - Mason Guild Ball Centre Back

Well I jumped into another game and I love it. Guild Ball!!! I chose Mason's before I knew anything about the game. I had a scheme in my head of how to paint them. I painted Brick to establish the scheme and I am pleased with how he turned out. One down, five to go.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ironscale - Super Dungeon Explore

I have really been enjoying painting Super Dungeon Explore figs lately. Love the bright colors and the models. Has really been a good time. I am just trying to paint them for tabletop quality but every blue moon I get in a groove and just push it a little further. The shield's on these ironscale would be one of those times. The models were just turning out so bright and cool that it just happened. These pop off the board for me which just adds richness to the game. I look forward to posting more Super Dungeon Explore figs. Plus the game is a blast to play and my boys love it. We also have gaming nights where we have multiple games of it going on at once. Good times!!!


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Witchling Stalkers - Wyrd

I am have assembled some Malifaux figs so not it is time to sling some paint on these bad boys. I really like the 2nd Wave figs. To be honest I chose the figs before I knew what any of them could do. So that is why I went with the Guild. Here are some Witchling Stalkers I have been painting over the Thanksgiving Holiday. I wanted them all to be different but at the same time have something that would tie them all together. So I have my Jawa Stalker, my Shaolin Monk Stalker and my Outdoorsman Stalker.

My Shaolin Stalker was based with Pigskin and then washed with Burnt Sienna. When I started bring up the color I mixed the two together progressing to straight Pigskin. After that I mixed white with it to bring up the highlights.

With my Jawa Stalker I started out with Calvary Brown as the base. I mixed Black with it to created the wash. I think mixed Black with it again but just a tad lighter to start bringing it up. Once I progressed to straight Calvary Brown I mixed Raw Sienna with it to bring it up.

The Outdoorsman Stalker I based with Olive Yellow and washed with Olive Drab. Then I mixed the two to bring it up. Once I progressed to Olive Yellow I mixed white with it to achieve the hightlights.

I was watching Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise and saw the soldiers that were with the Full Metal B!$%# and was reminded of the bandanna skulls I have seen around. I thought if I could pull that off on these dudes that would be what ties them together. I was nervous to make the leap but decided, "What the heck!" I think I got lucky and they look halfway decent. 

If you have any questions let me know. Hop you enjoy. 

Wrongeye and Snapjaw...

Wrongeye and Snapjaw was done as a donation for the Intermountain Cup (IMC). It is a local Warmachine\Hordes event that gather player from Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Washington, etc... It is a qualifying event so it is a big deal. The Geek Garage would run a painting contest and also paint miniatures to be given away to the players. Up to this point everything I had been painting for gaming event would be sold off by the person who won them. This time around we were trying to paint some Mercs\Minions so there would be a good chance the player would keep them because they could use them in their armies. My goal as I have said before was for players to use them. It ended up that these figs got sold as well and the majority of the others our group had painted even before they left the store. Oh well I guess. I just don't have it in me anymore to keep giving free figs to people that just turn around and get ride of them even if they can use them. So now I use that energy to paint for my children and myself. I don't regret doing it because the event was fun and it was some good times. Just past that phase. Anyway these figs were done mostly with washes. I also did a small GG on the hat for Geek Garage.


P.S. Because there are so many pictures you will have to click to see the rest. Didn't want to have a scroll of pics.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Constance Blaize - Cygnar

I painted this as a commission. I felt guilty for taking so long on it that when I finished it I just gave the fig to the person. They were very eager to take it for free. Haha... It was not a fun fig to paint at all. I am not sure why however because it is a nice fig. When it is all said and done I do like the final results. Just was not enjoyable at the time. Just one of those things I guess. Haha... I did not do the base that was done by the individual who owned the miniature.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Brood - Murtros WIP

This has been a little bit challenging because of the chitin style body this fig has as well as the skin. I am painting this for a friend and he gave me the skin color, the blue armor and then said I could do whatever else I wanted. I wanted to make it earthy and has some input from some fellow painter for confirmation of color choices. I am currently working on the weapon and have yet to finish the chitin on the blade. I am thinking of going with the same color as the shield.


Morvahna The Autumnblade

This fig I painted for a friend of mine who played a tournament I was donating a fig too. I game him the option to take the pig I was painting or have me paint an actual model he would use in his army. So he chose Morvahna. I wanted to paint her really bright so she would stand out. All of the scheme's I have seen so far were dark green. I think she turned out okay and my friend seemed to enjoy her. When I paint figs for other I would hope that they would be placed on the table to play with instead of sitting on some shelf.
