I am have assembled some Malifaux figs so not it is time to sling some paint on these bad boys. I really like the 2nd Wave figs. To be honest I chose the figs before I knew what any of them could do. So that is why I went with the Guild. Here are some Witchling Stalkers I have been painting over the Thanksgiving Holiday. I wanted them all to be different but at the same time have something that would tie them all together. So I have my Jawa Stalker, my Shaolin Monk Stalker and my Outdoorsman Stalker.
My Shaolin Stalker was based with Pigskin and then washed with Burnt Sienna. When I started bring up the color I mixed the two together progressing to straight Pigskin. After that I mixed white with it to bring up the highlights.
With my Jawa Stalker I started out with Calvary Brown as the base. I mixed Black with it to created the wash. I think mixed Black with it again but just a tad lighter to start bringing it up. Once I progressed to straight Calvary Brown I mixed Raw Sienna with it to bring it up.
The Outdoorsman Stalker I based with Olive Yellow and washed with Olive Drab. Then I mixed the two to bring it up. Once I progressed to Olive Yellow I mixed white with it to achieve the hightlights.
I was watching Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise and saw the soldiers that were with the Full Metal B!$%# and was reminded of the bandanna skulls I have seen around. I thought if I could pull that off on these dudes that would be what ties them together. I was nervous to make the leap but decided, "What the heck!" I think I got lucky and they look halfway decent.
If you have any questions let me know. Hop you enjoy.