Friday, November 7, 2014

Table Top Terrain - 3" Wall WIP #3

Well this is the third installment of the 3" Wall terrain pieces. They are becoming a little effort but regardless they are still coming along faster than a larger project would be so that is a bonus. The bummer is I forgot to take a picture of one of the steps but I still think you will get the idea anyway.

So the first thing I did was to apply the finer grain sand to a wide area on each piece using white glue. Then I immerse the piece into my tin and let it sit for a while before pulling it out. I want the sand to fully be adsorbed by the glue.

After the fine sand I just used the bottle of white glue and dropped some glue in key places. I used the tip of the bottle to spread the glue around because I wanted to keep the glue thick. This was for the larger gravel areas.

After letting the large grain pieces to be set in but not waiting to long I pulled the pieces out and then sprinkled fine grain sand on the larger grains so it would absorb into the cracks.

So here is the step I forgot to mention. Adding the wood planks in. As you can see by the picture not very hard stuff so no big deal about not taking a picture. 

This is turning out to be a fun project. Hope you enjoy.

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